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This open and searchable site contains scholarly works of UM faculty and students. It also features archival collections related to the history of the university and the city of Montevallo. To learn more about Vallo Vault, including policies and submission instructions, visit this guide.
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Recent Submissions
Implementing Interprofessional Education: Challenges for CSD Graduate Programs
(Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders, 2022) Edwards, Claire M.; Newell, Jason M.
The focus on interprofessional education (IPE) for professional training programs in allied health professions, such as speech-language pathology, has recently increased. There is currently limited pedagogical literature regarding both the instruction and application of IPE in any given discipline. This paper will outline challenges CSD graduate programs may face when implementing IPE content within the existing curricula and explore possible solutions. Delineation of preparation and integration process of an IPE course taught at a small liberal arts university where it was cross-listed in two undergraduate pre-professional programs in speech-language pathology and social work will be provided. Elements of the course, including delivery, descriptions of assignments, and projects, will also be discussed and how this undergraduate course may facilitate implementing IPE content into the graduate curriculum.
Using AR to Teach AR: Learning Outcomes of a Guided, Augmented Reality Hearing Loss and Auditory Rehabilitation Simulation with SLP Graduate Students
(Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders, 2024) Henton, Alice; Vansant, Mathew
Recent research has found that practicing speech-language pathologists report feeling underprepared to provide services for individuals with hearing loss. At the same time, graduate SLP programs report that students have fewer training opportunities with low-incidence populations. This study examines learning outcomes for a cohort of graduate SLP students using a novel application of an immersive, augmented reality, hearing loss simulation. Results show encouraging outcomes for the simulation experience’s effects on empathy, knowledge, and clinical skills. This simulation offers a unique way to provide training related to auditory rehabilitation in SLP.
Literature and Early Studies of the Mind: Alchemical Imagery and Meaning in La Ilustre Fregona, an Exemplary Novel by Miguel de Cervantes
(eHumanista, 2024) Stoops, Rosa María
Miguel de Cervantes’ exemplary novel La ilustre fregona of 1614 reveals brilliant observations of the processes through which psychological awareness, individual, and social transformation can be attained. An esoteric, alchemical reading of the story provides clues to the hidden mysteries admitted by Cervantes in the Prologue and help explain images, language, and character configuration which are comparable to the processes of individuation and adaptation that Carl Gustave Jung explored in his practice documented in his seminal works about the relationship between psychology and alchemy four centuries later.
La novela ejemplar de Miguel de Cervantes La ilustre fregona de 1614 revela brillantes observaciones de los procesos a través de los cuales se puede alcanzar la conciencia psicológica y la transformación individual y social. Una lectura esotérica y alquímica de la historia proporciona pistas sobre los misterios ocultos admitidos por Cervantes en el Prólogo y ayuda a explicar imágenes, lenguaje y configuración de personajes que son comparables a los procesos de individuación y adaptación que Carl Gustave Jung exploró en su práctica documentada en sus trabajos seminales sobre la relación entre psicología y alquimia cuatro siglos más tarde.
2024 University Scholar: Rosa María Stoops
(2024) Stoops, Rosa María
Dr. Rosa María Stoops joined the faculty in 2005 after completing a doctorate in romance languages at the University of Alabama. Her areas of specialization are French and Spanish language and literatures and literary theory. Her research focuses on the work of French and Spanish authors of the Medieval and Renaissance periods, especially on the works of Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes. Her articles and contributions are published in Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Cervantes: The Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America, Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics, Biblioteca Miguel de Cervantes, and Anuario de Estudios Cervantinos, among others. In 2022, Stoops became the first Christiane Angele Jacobson Endowed Chair of Spanish at UM.
Front Matter
(McNair Research Journal, University of Montevallo, 2022)
The front matter for Volume 10 (2022) of the McNair Research Journal contains the following sections: Welcome by Jamaica Dunigan, History of the University, Acknowledgements, and Table of Contents. It also contains information about TRIO, Ronald E. McNair, and the McNair Scholars Program.